Friday, July 15, 2016

Remember, “Merry Christmas”

Artist: Florine Stettheimer, American, 1871–1944

1.The groom

“It’s here.”

A fabulous Christmas tree is standing at the center of this square, with shiny lights and various decorations. But I only feel the loneliness spreading in the air, invading my cold skins and bones. With quiet street and closed shops, the glorious Christmas tree reminds me of a dressed-up kid who is waiting for his parents to pick him up but it seems they have forgotten him.

Yes, today is Christmas. But don’t say it out loud.

I helped these two young ladies off the horse and watched them walk towards the Christmas tree, one was joyful but the other was in sorrow, and stood there with my dear horse John, keeping patient and waiting.

Though I like the smell of money, I have to admit it’s weird. People in this town do not celebrate Christmas anymore since they think Christmas is a silly and boring man-made holiday. In fact, they do not celebrate any holiday. The money, the beautiful jewelry, the spacious estates… Achievements, in this realistic and business world, like these are more worthy to hold a carnival and enjoy a feast.

I expected to have a rest for me and John and had no idea someone would order my service tonight. I would never choose to go outside and work in this frozen dawn, but, well, I am just a mere groom. I also want to be rich and need to work.

My customers are pretty, quiet and kind. But they give me a destination which is hard to find
“A Christmas tree? Really? ”
They did not respond but threw me a bunch of green cash.
What can I say? I bent my knees, jumped on the horse and started our adventure, which seems ridiculous, to find a Christmas tree.

2. Maria

Do you know what Christmas is?
It’s the snow, a white and pure spirit, consisting of coldest heart.
It’s the light, delightful and mild, guiding for the dream paradise.
It’s the laughter around families, the eye contact between lovers, the father and child holding hands…
I can tell you every detail of what Christmas is supposed to be, but there is no such thing as Christmas in my real life.

But I know once upon a time, people in this town did celebrate Christmas. I remember that was a freezing and sparkly night, when everyone joined in the festivities, kissed each other’s cheeks and said: “Merry Christmas”.

Mom was sitting in the armchair and read Santa Claus’s story to me and my dear sister, and the pink and light yellow flames in the fireplace. Dad was reading poetry, giggling about how childish we were.
“Maria, you know there are no elves in real world right?”
“Don’t listen to your father.” Mom interrupted, “Of course there are.”
Dad smiled and kissed mom’s forehead.
“Yes, your mom is always right.”

That night was peaceful and quiet. The remaining memory was mom’s last bed story and father’s warm hands touching my face. At that time I did not realize the world would be totally changed after tomorrow’s sunrise.

My sister has not been willing to tell me what happened on that morning until now. When I woke up, only she was sitting on my bed and sobbing. I asked why she was crying and where were mom and dad. She quickly wiped away her tears and touched my face, like father always did.
“Get up. I made you breakfast.”

Since then, I have never seen Christmas in my home.


When Maria asked me whether she could see a Christmas tree this year, I thought she was kidding. Even though I disapproved, she still kept trying to convince me. I told her I couldn’t find one for nobody celebrated Christmas anymore, but she said:
“You are the richest and most beautiful lady in this town. No, in the world!” she smiled with innocence, “Most importantly, you are my beloved sister. You will do anything for me.”
She hugged my neck, kissed my cheek and refused to stop.

I finally agreed.

I remember father told me that there was a groom whose horse named John knew many secret places in this town. On the day of snowy Christmas, I sent my assistant to search for him and he/she found him in his modest apartment He was surprised that we wanted to find a Christmas tree but agreed to help us after I showed him the amount of payment.

Money heals everything.

We got on his carriage and felt the frozen ice crystals on our faces, hands and eyes. Suddenly, I felt tired of supporting this family alone. I missed my childhood with my whole family. The message father left for me that long-ago night still hurt my heart. It said:
“Take care of your sister and yourself. We have to leave. Sorry.”

After years I learned that they had suffered in the great depression, and people found their bodies on a mountain. They lost all their money and chose to avoid the following horrible consequences by taking their own lives.

Tears filled my eyes but I kept smiling for my little girl. I hid my sorrows and laughed with her. Then I felt a shot of mild light kissing my icy eyes. I looked toward the light. A marvelous sunset was illuminating a huge Christmas tree, with pink clouds and an unimaginably pink sky, like a heaven or a paradise.

I got off the carriage and was shocked by what I saw. I walked step by step and felt my parents were with me. Mom sat on the bench and dad smiled at her, like they never left me.

Then I heard mom say: 

“Remember to say Merry Christmas, my little girl.”

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